Fitness Instructor is a simple app, It will help you progress very fast at the gym and in your home.
Best design on the Play Store among the rest of the competitors!
Customized workout plans base on your Gender, goal and fitness level.
Calculate your daily calories, Protein, Carbohydrate, Fats and water base on your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate).
So many scientifically proven information about nutrition, supplement and shopping list.
Download for FREE and take a look.
--- Exercises ---
There are Many Exercises with Images, Information and Tips.
Check the exercise type, Main muscle, other muscle, equipment, mechanics type and force type of each exercise in information page.
The gym programmes are made by group of experienced personal trainers who are experts and are currently applying the exercises to their clients.
Kebugaran Instruktur adalah aplikasi sederhana, ini akan membantu Anda maju sangat cepat di gym dan di rumah Anda.
Desain terbaik di Play Store di antara sisa pesaing!
Latihan disesuaikan rencana dasar tentang Gender Anda, tujuan dan tingkat kebugaran.
Menghitung kalori harian Anda, Protein, Karbohidrat, Lemak dan basis air di RMR Anda (Istirahat Metabolic Rate).
Begitu banyak informasi ilmiah terbukti tentang gizi, suplemen dan daftar belanja.
Unduh GRATIS dan melihat.
--- Latihan Soal ---
Ada Banyak Latihan dengan Gambar, Informasi dan Tips.
Periksa jenis latihan, otot utama, otot lainnya, peralatan, jenis mekanik dan jenis kekuatan setiap latihan di halaman informasi.
Program olahraga yang dibuat oleh sekelompok pelatih pribadi berpengalaman yang ahli dan saat ini menerapkan latihan untuk klien mereka.